Alexander Dressler lächelnd mit einer Kaffeetasse ins einer linken Hand.
I'm Alex...
... and my passion is music and working together on equal terms. That's why I help bands and promoters to find each other better and celebrate unforgettable moments together.
That is why there is Proudleut
Find the right party band!
Music — whether live or via DJ — is more than just a revenue driver in a beer tent or a clumsy gap filler.

The musical accompaniment must be seen as the icing on the cake of a successful event.

The right or right band is, so to speak, the kit that holds together the fabric of small talk, lectures, lively atmosphere and everything around it and gives it a feeling. Similar to a grippy steak marinade, the right musical ether also gives every event structure, feeling and life.
Die bayrische Partyband Donnaweda beim Sektempfang auf einer Hochzeit in Ingolstadt.
Die Musiker der Parytband Smooth`n`Groove bei einem Auftritt im Kaiserbeck in Beilngries.
Die Musiker der Akustikband Freunde des Brautpaares auf der Empore in der Kirche bei einer Hochzeit in Beilngries.
Die Musiker der Partyband Foxy Gentlemen stehend vor ihrem Bühenbanner mit ihrem Bandlogo.
Die Kinderband KIZZRock musizierend auf der Bühne von Kindern umringt.
Die sechs Musiker der Band Donnaweda vor einer schwarzen Leinwand feuerspuckend und mit einer Flex in der Hand.
Die vier Musiker der Bayrische Partyband Gaudinudln auf der Bühne beiu der Kirwa in Litzlohe.
Die Musiker der Akustikband Freunde des Brautpaares vor der Kirche bei einer Hochzeit in Beilngries.

That's what satisfied celebrators and bands say about Proudleut:

A huge and heartfelt thank you for your help! That is more than I expected! With this selection, we will certainly find a band that suits us. I wish you all the best! Stay healthy and I hope to hear/see you again at an event/wedding soon.

Thanks again! :)
Daniela & Johannes

Great, thank you so much! The list is really great! And your site is amazing! I'm profoundly grateful to you.

Best regards, Benjamin

Wedding couple Marlena & Benjamin

Hi Alexander, thank you very much for your effort, really great! Since August seems to be a difficult month, I still hope that we are a bit lucky and that someone has time at all ;-)

Thank you very much for the nice contact!

Wedding couple Manuela & Christian

A huge and heartfelt thank you for your help! That is more than I expected! With this selection, we will certainly find a band that suits us. I wish you all the best! Stay healthy and I hope to hear/see you again at an event/wedding soon.

Thanks again! :)

Wedding couple Daniela & Johannes

Hello! Wow, thanks so much for the email. It's not self-evident, hats off. You will also be remembered very positively.


Wedding couple Marie & Patrick

“Alex is super friendly and highly professional. We are extremely happy to work with him. 100% thumbs up!

May Vibes Party Band | Andreas Dombert

Partners and pals:

The logo of graphic designer Michael Süllner from Sindlbach near Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz.